Conversations w/ the gurus of RVA's tech scene, including start-up founders, corporate execs, and world-class engineers. Hosted by deep learning diver + armchair movie critic - Zak Brown.
Subhash Jaini - Managing Director - Innovative Data Solutions at Keiter CPAs
Subash is an energetic and inspiring individual who can make anybody a believer in how valuable their data is. They see value in data when others just see it as a thing to retain and archive. When Subash hears of a company using an application to run their business and doesn't use any of it, they get pumped because that indicates there is a ton of valuable data.
Misspellings (for search purposes): Subash, Sabash, habash, habas, datagoodness, r-coder, python, senior analyst, seeking data science roles, data scientist contractor, data science work, analytical contractors, data strategist, statistical programmer, data dealer)